Anti-Counterfeiting Policy



Products or goods offered for sale on TradeAfrika must be genuine. It is strictly forbidden to sell counterfeits or adulterated products on this platform. Failure to comply this policy could lead to the loss of your selling authorization, withheld credit, and the destruction of your inventory in our custody.

It is the seller’s and supplier’s responsibility to source, sell, and ship only genuine products to customers. Illegal recordings, falsifications, or unauthorized copies of items or content are prohibited, such as are products that have been illegally replicated, reproduced, adulterated or manufactured and products that infringe on the intellectual property rights of a third party. If anyone sells or delivers counterfeit goods or poor products, we will immediately suspend or delete your TradeAfrika seller account and connected accounts and destroy all counterfeit goods in our shipping hubs at your expense.

TradeAfrika is here to protect all our customers more especially our consumers. Furthermore, we do not pay sellers until we are satisfied that our buyers received the actual things they ordered. We reserve the right to withhold payment if we detect any violations. We collaborate with producers, rights holders, content owners, suppliers, and sellers to better identify and prevent counterfeit products from being sold and shipped to our customers. As a result, we delete dubious offers based on our own quality checks.

We also collaborate with international agencies and law enforcement authorities all around the world to pursue sellers and suppliers who willfully breach this policy and endanger our customers. In addition to penalties and imprisonment, dealers and suppliers of counterfeit products suffer civil penalties, which include the loss of all sales revenues, recompense for the respective rights holders and the payment of all legal fees.
